Living with Purpose – How Do I Start?
A little while ago, I participated in an online discussion on LinkedIn that started off something like, ‘It is more important to live with Passion than with Purpose. Discuss.’ While many were adamant...
View ArticleDefining Happiness by Redefining Success
In our modern day society’s race to be, do and have more, we have constantly moved forward the boundaries of success. Not surprisingly, we have also falsely learnt to equate success with happiness. A...
View ArticleLearning to Let Go, Learning to Trust
Before I had a child, I had always been focussed, purposeful, goal-driven. I invariably achieved most of what I had set out to…and yet, and perhaps it is meant to be so, in my parenting journey and...
View ArticleWhy SHOULDS, shouldn’t be
Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can...
View ArticleHow to Find Joy in Work
I have recently been contemplating the word Work a lot and I have been wondering whether the word work conjures the same mental images for you as it does for me? You see, when I think of the word...
View ArticleMy Wishes for You…
When I was a young slip of a child in Primary school, we went through a mad phase of collecting each others autographs. The logic quite defies me now, as we were all going on to the same secondary...
View ArticleWhat’s It Like Being You – With Love From Money
Here is another post where we ask Money what is it like being Money. Read on to find out more. What’s it like being you? Dear Human, I’m so glad you asked! It’s generally tough, difficult, challenging,...
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