Listen to the mustn’ts, child.
Listen to the don’ts.
Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me…
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
~ Shel Silverstein
As Shel Silverstein shares this great wisdom on the negatives, in it’s own way, it rings equally true for the positives.
We are continually bombarded, day in and day out with, well-meaning advice:
The Must’s, and the Do’s, the Should’s and the Have To’s..
You should be grateful
You should be happy
You have to save for a rainy day
You must think about your family
All the Shoulds and Dos and Musts, insist and determinedly tell us that what we are thinking, doing and feeling are wrong.
Everything becomes a standard defined for our individual selves, by others, believing that they know what is best for us.
It is no wonder then, that so many of us (probably all of us) falter and often question and re-question our motives, our abilities, even our own inherent happiness. For having been told so often that what we are doing is incorrect, we start to truly believe that we do not know what is best for us.
We begin to rely on external validation, looking around for someone to tell us what a great job we’ve done or how clever we are.
And so it starts that we are playing to someone else’s tune, our own having been completely drown out by the surrounding loud speakers of the ‘wisdom of others’.
The fact is,
you DO know what is RIGHT.
you DO know what is BEST
you DO know how things SHOULD be for you.
For a moment today, simply be still and listen.
Listen to that inner voice within.
What does it say?
And even if only for a little while today,
Feel it in all your heart and know,
That you are the ONLY person who truly knows what is best for you.
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Above all, take care and be happy.
Take care and be happy.
The post Why SHOULDS, shouldn’t be appeared first on Colour My Income.